The MERP Manager software is developed by ADRIA EXPERT and is an excellent tool, a rigorous and structured approach to identification, estimation and risk assessment, based on the standard EN ISO 12100/2010, which allows you to know and control all professional risks in the company.
The MERP Manager software offers a full range of facilities, so the users, the MERP team, have complete management of risk assessment thus obtaining the best results. Also, the reports are generated in an attractive and easy-to-follow form.
MERP MANAGER software includes the following modules:
Managing Workstations
Management of workers
Management of individual protective equipment (PPE)
Managing your company's main activities
Manage events that have or will take place in the company
Managing high-risk and specific areas
Simple or complex internal Audit
Risk Assessment
Management of prevention and protection measures and follow-up of their implementations
Report Manager
- The Manage Workstations module allows:
- Define all workstations in the company
- For each work station, the necessary data will be entered
- The information is operated only once and is accessible to any module where it is necessary
- Generating the list of jobs requiring authoritations, both internal and external
- Generating job list requiring periodic medical control, aptitude testing, psychological control
- Printing selected user situations
- The Workers ' management module allows:
- Nominal introduction of workers and association with posts in the Manage Workstations module
- For each worker, the MERP-Manager software allows the introduction/ modification of personal data
- Defining groups of workers, for which specific actions can be assigned, or reports can only be obtained for workers belonging to a particular group
- Generation of evaluation for specific risk sensitive groups (pregnant or breastfeeding women, disabled, younger than 18 years)
- Managing people who are apt conditionally
- Getting customized reports, configurable by the user
- The module for the management of individual protective equipment (PPE) allows:
- Introduction/modification/completion of individual protective equipment (PPE)
- For each PPE the introduction of the assortment, the quality of protection, etc
- Assigning the PPE to each workstation in the Manage Workstations menu
4. The management module of the company's main activities allows:
- Introducing/Modifying the company's main activities
- Association of workstations participating in these activities or influenced by them
For better management, it is recommended that the first activity be general activity in the company. This general activity will be marked by ticking the checkbox located in the lower part of the window – "General activity".
This marking is important because, only for the activity marked in this way (general activity) it will be possible to import the risks and measures from the template.
General activity includes activities, work situations, work tasks, etc., which can generate risks for all workers, regardless of the job they occupy.
For example: acces routes, security signs, organization of first aid and interventions in case of emergency situations, etc. – they generate risks or are sustained, for all staff in the company.
This marking is important because, only for the activity marked in this way (general activity) it will be possible to import the risks and measures from the template.
General activity includes activities, work situations, work tasks, etc., which can generate risks for all workers, regardless of the job they occupy.
For example: acces routes, security signs, organization of first aid and interventions in case of emergency situations, etc. – they generate risks or are sustained, for all staff in the company.
Attention! Risk assessment is carried out from activities, therefore, their proper management, from this module, represents an important step in the success of risk assessment.
5. The event management module that has or will take place in the company
MERP-Manager Software facilitates the direct connection between the event and the risk/risks that occurred in the occurrence of the event. This is essential in a correct risk management in the company.
6. The management module of high risk and specific areas allows:
- Introducing/modifying high risk and beet areas in the Company – introducing/modifying the risks identified in the company
- The direct connection between these areas with high and specific risk and the risks due to which these areas are hazardous, as well as the measures of prevention and protection related.
7. Simple or complex internal Audit module
In this module, a simple internal audit can be performed: identification of hazards/risks or a complex internal audit resulting in the level of security in the work, both partially and globally.
8. The Risk assessment module allows:
In this module, a simple internal audit can be performed: identification of hazards/risks or a complex internal audit resulting in the level of security in the work, both partially and globally.
8. The Risk assessment module allows:
- Establishment of members and introduction of the evaluation team in the application
- Managing the evaluation team agenda
- Risk map at company level
- Establishing the 3 risk matrices (at the time and at the stage where the risk assessment data was updated), which represents:
- current risk situation without protections (G x e)
- current situation of risks with existing protections
- the future risk situation, once the preventive and protective measures proposed following the assessment of each risk are taken
- For general activity, importing risks and measures from template – viewing in a table all risks related to an activity
- View every risk in detail
- Importing/moving/copying a risk from one activity to another – visualization and access to prevention and protection measures, hazardous events and areas associated with each risk
- Viewing and choosing the workstations affected by each risk in part
- Automatic updating (after order) of workstations associated with activities and risks
9. Management of prevention and protection measures and follow-up of their implementations
A very useful module for introducing preventive and protective measures and tracking their implementations.
10. Report Manager
With this menu, more than 40 reports can be generated in different shapes and styles.
To generate a report, you must first choose the report type from the list.
Then select different generation criteria of the report, e.g. order of registrations, decreasing risk level, order of implementation of measures, etc.
Note: Some reports, implicitly shows certain encoded data, for example in – a risk situation shows the encoded staff (code only, not the name in the clear). To generate the clear name of the staff, check the Ceckbox "Post in Clear name".
All reports, once displayed on the screen, can be listed directly to the printer or exported to PDF format.Some reports allow and export to Excel or Word format.
Examples of reports:
- Job descriptions
- Activity Chart
- Risk assessment
- Residual risk assessment
- Prevention and Protection Plan
- List of high and specific risk areas (hazardous areas)
- The situation of internal and external authorisations
- Situation of staff requiring additional medical examination
- PPE list
- Monitoring the implementation of measures in the prevention and protection plan
- Evidence of events
- Risk relationship-Hazardous areas
- Risk-Events relationship
- etc.
Another feature of the MERP-Manager software is that the user can write, directly in the application, different texts to help him in the work. These notes are saved in the database and will appear every time the "Help" window opens in that context.
The MERP methodology developed by ADRIA EXPERT belongs to the category of analytical methods, semiquantitative and consists, essentially, in identifying all the important risk factors in the analysed system (work/job unit) and quantifying the risk size for each risk factor, based on the combination of the severity of the expected maximum damage/consequence and the probability of producing the damage.
Taking into account the existing preventive and protective measures, it can be estimated and evaluated the level of the current risk to which the workers are exposed. After the implementation of the proposed preventive and protective measures, the level of potential residual risk is estimated.
What can the MERP-Manager software do for your business?
On the human plane:
Increasing the safety of jobs
Reducing the number of accidents at work and occupational diseases
Increasing the satisfaction of workers by improving working conditions
Increasing the safety of jobs
Reducing the number of accidents at work and occupational diseases
Increasing the satisfaction of workers by improving working conditions
Reducing costs related to accidents at work and occupational diseasesOptimizing the company's profits by increasing labour productivity
Informational support for the quarterly meetings of the Committee on Safety and Health at work
Possibility of managing a large number of ratings for multiple companies and updating them quickly
The safety of the fact that you have made your legal obligations and that, in case of control, you have all the documents requested
Through its means of analysis, estimation and evaluation, the MERP-Manager application is suitable and satisfies absolutely all the needs of the intended purpose, for most companies, including those that activate in technological areas with very high risks such as oil and gas industries, chemical and petrochemical plants, construction industries, construction, transport, etc.
By applying the existing measures in only two centralizing documents for each job: The risk assessment sheet and the proposed measures (Prevention and protection Plan), workplaces become safe.
In the first sheet are registered: identified risk factors, parameters of their quanation, maximum predictable consequence, severity and frequency classes, the level of risk for each risk factor in part, as well as the factors of objectivity and Elements that describe as accurately the risk control.
The proposed measures, contains a list of technical, organisational, sanitary and other measures, necessary to combat the action of each risk factor at the assessed workplace, ranked according to the priority of implementation.
The MERP-Manager application is in Romanian language.
The documentation of installation and use of the application is in Romanian language.
For the English language version, please contact us.
The MERP-Manager application is in Romanian language.
The documentation of installation and use of the application is in Romanian language.
For the English language version, please contact us.
Conditions of installation and use of the MERP-Manager software
Operating system: Windows 7 or later
(the software was tested on Microsoft Windows 7 and Micrososft Windows 10)
Disk space: Minimum 500 Mb
Other requirements:
- All rights (write, modify, create, delete, etc.) for the application in the directory in which it is installed
On the computer on which the application is installed, Microsoft Office Minimum 2003